Alternative Social Story - Newsletter!

Hey this is my second email to you guys! I hoped you are enjoying the free mini-workbook "My Child Can...", I would love to know how you have been going with it. If you hit reply on this email and share a little about it that would be fabulous. I enjoy reading and getting to know how my work is making an impact!

Here in SA it's coming up for the second week of the school holidays and I have been keeping busy with the kids. I was definitely not at all prepared this time round, and soon it will be the long Christmas holidays that go for 8 weeks - I am definitely going to have to be better prepared! (Perhaps a free holiday preparation resource will become another freebie for subscribers over closer to christmas!)

Did you know that I am working on a bible series for higher needs kids? It is very visual and hits all the points of the bible, even the stories that kids don't learn about because they are inappropriate or gory - I want to bring light to as it has moral and spiritual value which I feel as very important, and of course, in a child friendly and appropriate way.

Why did I decide to make a visual bible? At church, and around the place I hear adults, including myself saying "Oh, I don't know that story" or if they do, don't know it very well. My goal is to have littles know the bible stories from a young age, so as they grow and can handle more mature content, that the base and foundation to the stories is already there for them!

Until next time, take care! Enjoy your fortnight and I can't wait to hear from you about how you are going!

Emma! x


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