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New Look!

ASD Books. Hello Friends! <3 I am thrilled to announce some changes that have been happening and some new resources!Here is a space for those special needs parents, teachers, carers and therapists or anyone who is involved in the life of a special needs kiddo! Feel free to forward this email to anyone else you think might like it! tI will teach you effective, easy to implement strategies that will help your child thrive in their environment. Stay tuned for new blog posts,...

July Updates over at ASD Books!

July 2024 Hello! Didn't mean to join us? Unsubscribe. Violet, a teacher of Kindy to 3rd grade with learning difficulties and on the Autism Spectrum "Deciding to leave my last placement was not easy. I found it was difficult to explain to students 1. What I would be leaving and 2. Why I was leaving. This resource helped me navigate these areas with my students... I would purchase from her again!" Thanks, Violet for the review! I LOVE that it has helped during a time of change and that it was...

Things are starting to HAPPEN!

March 2024 Hello! Didn't mean to join us? Unsubscribe. Bernice, a teacher of 2nd grade with ASD "my students enjoyed reading this story and they like the pictures that illustrate expectations. It's a nice length story and keeps the students engaged. Thank you" Thanks, Bernice for the review! I LOVE that it has helped and that it was effective for your students! Check out our Simple, Visual Stories New Facebook Posts, Daily Inspiration, connection, information! The FB Page While you're hanging...

ASD Books - 2024!

ASD Books. It's been a long time... Hello friends! Here is a space for those special needs parents, teachers, carers and therapists or anyone who is involved in the life of a special needs kiddo! It has been quite a few months since we last spoke. I have been crazy busy compared to normal. I am now settled for the time being and I feel like my five children are all over the place. My baby is now eight months old and is crawling and walking around furniture. Miss 5 started...

ASD Books

Hey Friends, Teachers, Parents and Caregivers! How has your world been lately? Feel free to hit reply and let me know! So we are half way through term 1 here in Australia, and every day is slowly getting better as my daughter heads into school! I worked with the teacher to make the drop off transition quick as not to linger and to quickly disperse uncertain feelings. The teacher has started putting out some toast, dry cereal or some dry, easy to manage food on the table for my daughter as to...

ASD Books

Hey Friends, Teachers, Parents and Caregivers! How has your world been lately? With back to school in Australia is been a bit of a bumpy ride with a new classroom, new space and ne friends to get use to. Yesterday didn't go so well at school so I made a poster for my childs teacher to use and will be sending a copy of "Gentle Feet". Check out the new content and articles available! Regulation Poster Read why getting their bodies moving IS NOT a reward but a necessity! Read article...

ASD Books - New Videos!

Hey friends! I have been very busy lately so here is the monthly (way overdue) newsletter update as promised! Can I tell you a secret...? I'm pregnant! I am almost half way through, and with four other kids at my ankles (or taking up all of my brain space) I have been rather tired! So excuse my baby brain!! I have had time to make two new videos to share with you guys all about the RIGHT and WRONG types of social stories for children and students and why language so important - as well as the...


Happy 1st birthday to Alternative Social Stories! I can't believe I missed it but I want to give my loyal subscribers first heads up on 50% discount on all products on my website to celebrate this last year of being in business! Check out the all new payment methods too that have been updated for smooth and easy checkout. use code: 1bdayxxx Thank you for sticking by me, if you're an old supporter or a new one & here is to another 10 years of helping families and schools help their kids...

Alternative Social Story - Newsletter!

Hey this is my second email to you guys! I hoped you are enjoying the free mini-workbook "My Child Can...", I would love to know how you have been going with it. If you hit reply on this email and share a little about it that would be fabulous. I enjoy reading and getting to know how my work is making an impact! Here in SA it's coming up for the second week of the school holidays and I have been keeping busy with the kids. I was definitely not at all prepared this time round, and soon it will...