ASD Books - New Videos!

Hey friends! I have been very busy lately so here is the monthly (way overdue) newsletter update as promised!

Can I tell you a secret...? I'm pregnant! I am almost half way through, and with four other kids at my ankles (or taking up all of my brain space) I have been rather tired! So excuse my baby brain!!

I have had time to make two new videos to share with you guys all about the RIGHT and WRONG types of social stories for children and students and why language so important - as well as the right images for our children to be hearing and seeing!

Quality videos are a not quite there yet, the information is excellent however. Sorry about the fan noise in the background in parts of the video, its summertime here in Australia and although its not a "go outside and burn to a crisp in 3 minutes' day its warm enough to require additional air movement!

AND HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone! I hope you stayed safe and well through Christmas and the New Year period!

Emma! x


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